- 相關推薦
短線產品 products in short supply; goods in short supply
短信 short messages; text messages
斷章取義 quote one's words out of context
對沖基金 hedge fund
對等開放 reciprocal opening
對方付費電話 collect call
對……毫無顧忌 make no bones about ...
對話和合作 dialogue and co-operation
對獎活動 raffle
對講機 talkie and walkie
對抗性矛盾 antagonistic contradiction
對口味 suit one's taste
對內搞活,對外開放 revitalize domestic economy, open up to the outside world
對牛彈琴 play the harp( (lute) to a cow; cast pearls before a swine
對外經濟技術交流 economic and technological exchanges with the outside world
對外招商 attract foreign investment
兌現(xiàn)承諾 make good on the promise
隊長袖標(足球) skipper's armband
對種糧農民實行直接補貼 directly subsidize grain producers
對中西部地區(qū)適當傾斜 appropriately directed to the central and western areas of the country
對抗或強制 confrontation or coercion
對人民幣重新估值 revaluation of the Renminbi
獨立董事制度 the independent director system
蹲點 (of cadres) stay at a selected grass-roots spot (for investigation and study)
蹲點跑面 gain experience in selected spots and then spread it over the whole area
敦煌石窟 Dunhuang Grottoes
多邊貿易談判 multilateral trade negotiationmultilateral trade talks
多邊貿易體制 the multilateral trading system
多邊政策 multilateralism
奪標 win the championship
多層次資本市場體系 the multi-layer capital market system
多重國籍 plural nationality; multiple nationality
多黨合作制 multi-party cooperation in exercising state power
多黨合作和政治協(xié)商制度 the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation
多碟 DVD multidisc DVD player
多功能汽車 multi-purpose vehicle (MPV)
多功能性(農業(yè)) multifunctionality
奪冠 take the crown
多(跨)國公司 multinational companies
多國維持和平部隊 multinational
馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04