

時間:2021-07-01 17:40:12 大學(xué)英語 我要投稿




大學(xué)英語作文 篇1

  Nowadays, micro blog has become a prevalent shared platform used by youth and old who can use mobile phone flexible. Why does it become so popular?

  First of all, it is convenient. Whenever and wherever you are, with your phone or other appliance which is online available, you can share a sentence or a section to your fans. They can read and comment it immediately. In my opinion, it’s the most important function that is different from the traditional blog. Micro blog is more easy to use. Secondly, it will remind you more and more people whom you may be familiar with, so that you fans circle can be larger and larger. What’s more, with more and more famous person join in micro blog, you can catch much news in this platform, including political, economic, cultural and stars’ news. There are also some jokes that you can read them to relax in your spare time.

  In a word, micro blog is a platform that helps people get in touch with others more conveniently and frequently. In such a busy era, it’s no doubt to be a good choice for people to know what happen around us.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇2

  pared with creating a learning atmosphere. although they never epect children to appreciate their efforts or reward them, they do wish that children could understand their intentions.

  however, sometimes children can not understand parents sacrifices. some children take them for granted, because they have been used to these sacrifices from childhood. sense of self centeredness gradually develops into selfishness. some disagree with parents but are unable to persuade them. chances given, these children prefer to do elementary household chores (家務(wù)活) like tidying bedrooms, sweeping the floor and washing dishes.

  in my personal judgement, parents should not completely sacrifice themselves to childrens academic interest and welfare. it is unwise for them to pin(寄托,寄寓) all epectations and hopes on their children while neglecting themselves. various sacrifices in monetary(金錢的), material and spiritual terms may change into pressure on children rather than motivation for more satisfactory results.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇3



  第一、英語底子太薄。底子太薄主要表現(xiàn)為對語法知識掌握不牢及對基本詞匯記憶不清。它包括定冠詞和不定冠詞的濫用,主謂不一致,單復(fù)數(shù)搞不清楚(例如:a people等),時態(tài)和語態(tài)混亂及詞語的各種形式掌握不牢。有的學(xué)生文章寫得很長,字跡也很工整,但是讀完之后只覺得思路紊亂,支離破碎,沒有一個完整的句子,所以也就只能得兩三分以慰勞苦。

  第二、詞匯量太小,且對已學(xué)詞匯記憶不清。除了底子太薄這個歷史原因之外,學(xué)生詞匯量太小也是一個不容忽視的原因。有的學(xué)生漢語功底很好,用漢語作文,他們就會思如泉涌,下筆千言,但是一到用英語作文就好像被縛住了手腳,不知如何下手。比如99年1月的作文,題目是"Don’t Hesitate to Say No", 大部分學(xué)生能夠領(lǐng)會題意并能按給出的漢語提綱作文,但有的學(xué)生連Hesitate是什么意思都不知道,更不用說在此基礎(chǔ)上再作發(fā)揮了。另外有的學(xué)生雖然對題目及要求非常清楚,但是因為自己所掌握的詞匯所限,無法用一些合適的詞來表達(dá)自己的思想,于是只有繞著題目翻來覆去亂說一氣,再加上這次出的作文提綱就象一道繞口令:

  1、 別人請求幫助時,在什么情況下我們會說“不”;

  2、 為什么有些人在該說“不”的時候不說“不”;

  3、 該說“不”時不說“不”的壞處。

  所以在說過一個又一個的"No"再加幾個"Yes"之后,閱卷老師也給搞得云里霧里,頭腦發(fā)脹,最后也只得酌情給個兩三分罷了。還有的一寫到紙上就是錯字別字滿篇,有些詞匯的用法也走了樣。其中最典型的就是for example寫成example for , for instance寫成for a instance, illegal 寫成unlegle, 而such as, in spite of 等許多短語則是亂用一氣。詞匯的有限導(dǎo)致許多學(xué)生有口難言,欲說不能,對他們來說,用英語作文實在是一件很頭疼的事情。

  第三、缺乏思想,深度不夠。99年1月的考試中很大一部分學(xué)生不能得高分還有一個重要的原因,就是他們的作文缺乏思想,深度不夠。很多學(xué)生雖然已是大二的學(xué)生,甚至是大三大四的學(xué)生,但是他們在作文當(dāng)中所表現(xiàn)出的智力水平與閱歷似乎只相當(dāng)于一個初高中生。寫出的文章著眼點低,視野狹窄。作為學(xué)生,作文著眼于學(xué)生之間的關(guān)系,反映學(xué)生之間的幫忙,這并不為過,但是這種幫忙不能僅僅限于在考試當(dāng)中的幫忙,而且對這種幫忙都是一句話 "Don’t hesitate to say ’No’"。更有相當(dāng)一部分學(xué)生在文章中寫幫忙就是這一次四級考試當(dāng)中的幫忙。與在?忌容^起來,社會考生應(yīng)該多了許多社會閱歷,也多了一些見解,但是舉出來的例子也是范圍太窄,大多是講老板或領(lǐng)導(dǎo)讓干的事只能答 "Yes"而不能回答 "No"。其實除了這些,可舉的例子很多,關(guān)鍵是要抓住實質(zhì)。

  第四、缺乏應(yīng)試技巧。缺乏應(yīng)試技巧,主要表現(xiàn)為有些學(xué)生在篇首或篇尾有喊口號傾向(如Dear Friends, let’s not hesitate to say"No"),或畫蛇添足,本來文章該結(jié)束



大學(xué)英語作文 篇4

  Recently it has become a common phenomenon for college students to have two majors at the same time. In this way, they can get double BA degrees when they graduate from the university several years later.

  Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole. To begin with, most students will become more hardworking and efficient in order to finish the learning tasks satisfactorily. Moreover, with two degrees at hand after graduation, they will stand a better chance in the job market full of fierce competition. In the third place, as for today‘s university students, tuition and fees are becoming more and more expensive. If they can make achievements in study at school and find a satisfactory job afterwards, it will not be a big problem.

  Weighing the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can naturally arrive at the conclusion that it is beneficial and rewarding. This system not only compels students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition.




  第二段第三句中的stand a better chance(of)表示“大有希望”;第三段末句中的compel sb.to do sth.表示“迫使某人做某事”。

大學(xué)英語作文 篇5

  We all know that books are a source of knowledge.But there are those who think what the book contains must be right.It is stupid to follow the books without any thinking.As the old saying goes,to believe everything in books is worse than to have no books at all.

  At present, to meet the needs of various tests, the method of memorizing mechanically is still current and the habit of bookish study is still popular in the course of education.Students tend to take it for granted that the all the information revealed by books.If we fully trust what books say,we may get the wrong or one-sided information.What’s more,the theory in books is not always suitable for the real situation.It may bring about unnecessary trouble to us with being analyzed.It is very important for us to develop our ability too think independently, rather than blindly accepting everything in books.

  In conclusion,we should keep it in mind that to learn in a mechanical way does no good to our study.We can not merely copy the book theory without our own thinking.

大學(xué)英語作文 篇6


  1. It is time for us to take measures as it is each citizen’s responsibility to save our mother earth.


  2. There is only one earth which we can live in. we can’t afford to lose it. The environmental protection is safeguarding of our own life.


  3. Only in this way can we pursue comprehensive , balanced and sustainable development and make a harmonious society come true.



  In conclusion, we should limit the overuse of the natural resources and protect our living environment in order to maintain the balance of environment.



  This is not an easy task, so nations should work together to prevent this global disaster, at the same time ordinary citizens should do their part.


  It is only by united efforts of everyone dwelling on the earth that our planet can be redeemed , so can our lives.


  Only in this way, can we create a stronger, healthier and more beautiful world.



  Campaigns should be launched to raise the awareness of family planning, safeguarding the environment and slowing the population growth.


大學(xué)英語作文 篇7

  it was my first day at school. i walked into the building where i was going to live ,and looked at door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room there was already a student making his bed.

  after we said"hello"to each other, he continued his work, paying no attention to me."what a stuck-up fellow,"i thought. i examined the room. it was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room i had seen. but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.

  i looked at him. he was thin, short, and dark. his hair was like a bundle of straw. his dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey . his clothes were made of cheap cloth. the coat was too short and the trousers were too loose. and he wore a pair of rubber shoes , which were very unfashionable. he did not look like a smart senior student at all . "a yokel ,"i concluded.










