
China daily Hot Words(M)

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China daily Hot Words(M)

馬大哈 careless, casual and carefree

馬到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success

馬爾薩斯人口論 Malthusian Theory of Population; Malthusianism (Thomas Robert Malthus, 1766-1834, British economist)

碼分多址 (一種擴頻多址數字式通信技術) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

馬拉松會議 marathon meeting

馬拉松式競選活動 marathron campaign

馬路菜場入室工程 the project to build indoor free market to accommodate street vegetable vendors

馬路新聞 hearsay;gossip

馬屁精 flatterer;boot-licker;apple-polisher

馬賽克 mosaic

馬太效應 "the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. ) "

瑪雅文化 Mayan civilization

脈沖發(fā)射器 impulse sender

買方市場 buyer's market

麥克馬洪線 McMahon Line

買殼上市 go public through buying a shell

買空賣空 bulls and bears; fictitious transaction

買一送一 "two-for-one offer, buy one get one free"

瞞產 give a false report of the out put; lie about the grain output

滿產 produce in a full capacity

慢車道 lowway; slow-traffic lane

漫話 talk at random;discuss informally

慢鏡頭 slow-motion

滿勤 1. work full hours; 2. perfect work attendance record

漫談會 informal discussion

滿堂紅 successful in every endeavour

慢性蕭條 chronic depression

滿意度 degree of satisfaction

盲流 blind influx (labourers aimlessly flowing from rural areas into large cities)

盲流和倒流人員 transient from the countryside

盲目投資 blindness in investment

盲目投資 blind investment, haphazard investment

忙音 signal for the busy line

漫游 roaming service

冒充包裝(銷售)[指將劣質商品包裝成外觀像名優(yōu)產品出售的做法]  copycat packaging

矛盾的普遍性 universality of contradictions

毛利 gross proceeds

貓膩兒 illegal deal; underhanded activity;something fishy

茅塞頓開 be suddenly enlightened

貿易壁壘 trade protectionism

貿易和投資自由化和便利化  TILF (Trade a

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