

時間:2018-12-31 12:00:00 資料大全 我要投稿





Given the breathtaking speed with which telephones have begun to permeate every pocket of Chinese society, it is a little surprising that a good number of people have yet to learn even a modicum of telephone etiquette.

Strangely, it's as if the normal courtesies which one would extend to another in face to face conversation do not apply in telephonic conversation.

To begin with, a caller is often greeted with a blunt "Who are you?" a response which many feel is much too direct. On occasion, the receiver of the telephone call expresses unwillingness to reveal the information the caller seeks.

Such as whether, say, Mr. Zhang is available to take the call - until the caller states his or her identity and institutional affiliation. A more polite approach might be to offer the desired information, following with a gentle inquiry such as "… and who may I say is calling?"

An excessive concern for privacy undermines the very function of the telephone; if someone doesn't even want to tell a caller whether a person is available to take the call or not, why have a phone in the first place?

The person one is calling is sometimes unavailable. Frequently, the person who received the call returns to the phone only to state, "He's not here, "or "She's not here, call again after a while" and then, without waiting for a response, immediately hangs up.

Ending the conversation so abruptly and unilaterally - that is, without giving the caller the opportunity to acknowledge the information which has been conveyed - is considered by many to be very rude. A much more genial way of handling the same situation would be to go the step further and inform the caller when the person might return and ask "May I take your name and phone number or leave a message?"

The caller would no doubt appreciate this response and may choose to leave a message, or may decide to try again later. In any event, both parties would be likely to come away from the call with a sense that it ended pleasantly.

Without a doubt, the increasing prevalence of telephones in China is a very positive development, one which will contribute greatly to the country's continued economic growth. Matters used to require considerable time and effort to resolve may now be handled with a telephone call or two.

This is all the more reason for telephone users to begin extending to callers the same basic courtesies ---already an important part of our lives. Why not make them a more pleasant part?









