

《新目標英語》第八冊Unit12 教案

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《新目標英語》第八冊Unit12 教案

Teaching Plan for Section A(1), Unit 12, SB1Y8

《新目標英語》第八冊Unit12 教案


Teaching Goals:

l      Learn to make comparisons.

l      Learn to talk about preferences, using the Comparison Degree and the Supervision Degree: most important; better, best; worse, worst; more / most comfortable, etc.

l      Finish off Activity 1a- 1c, P71.





l      Daily English.

l      Talk about the Ss’ favourite activities on weekends:

What do you often do on your weekends?

What do you want most to do on your weekends? And why?




TASK ONE: Learn to talk about preferences

l      Lead into the new learning task by asking the Ss: Do you often go to movies?

l      Ss talk about movies:

What kind of movies do you like best?

Do you like thrillers or comedies? Why?

Which cinema do you often go to watch the movies, and why?

l      Help the Ss learn to say:

* I like … most / best.

* I like … better than… because I think….

* I often go to… because it’s the best cinema in our town.

* Because it is closest to my house.

l      PAIRWORK: Ss work in pairs to talk about what they think is most important or not important for them to choose one cinema ( movie theater ).

l      Demonstration and evaluation.

TASK TWO: Listening practice

l      Introduce the new task: 1b, P71. Now we’re going to listen to a conversation in which three children are talking about the movie theater they want to go. Listen and find out the characteristics of each theater: Town Cinema; Screen City; Movie Palace.

l      Ss listen to the tape for info. Tell the Ss that they could use only one letter to stand for the tree movie theaters: T, S and M.

l      Ss listen again for details:

Movie Theater



Screen City

Most popular

The biggest screen

Town Cinema

Friendliest service

The closest to home

No new films often shown

The cheapest

It isn’t crowded

Movie Palace


The most comfortable seats

l      Ss listen for repeating.



l      PAIRWORK: talk about the three movie theaters.

A: What’s the most popular movie theater?

B: Screen City. Because it has the biggest screens.

l      Demonstration and evaluations.

l      Listen again and let the Ss write down the tape scripts on their books.



l      Try to think of more places to compare with after class.

l      Preview Activity 2, on P72.







《新目標英語》第八冊Unit12 教案