

Mainly revision

時間:2021-09-29 17:26:26 高中英語教案 我要投稿

Mainly revision


Teaching Aims


Teaching important and difficult points


room ,offer, discover, arrive


take turns, make into , a piece of , help oneself to, get angry

2.Revise(1~7words and phrases)

3.Useful expressions

Would you like...? How about some more. . . ?

Just a little, please. No, thanks. I’ve had enough.

I’m full. Thank you. Help yourself to. . .

Let me give you. . .







5)定語從句the Attributive Clause




教師要充分利用教材上提供的用餐話語,食物名稱對學生進行口語方面的訓練, 把表達用餐的日常用語、詞組編對話,編類似情景的對話并表演。




教師準備好圖片,讓學生們說出自己喜歡的食物并且采取互問,比如:西紅柿、豆腐、 咖啡等,增加對所學的單詞的記憶。


教師把這堂課的內(nèi)容簡述給學生:教師通過聽磁帶,閱讀,問答,分組討論,圖片顯示來完成本堂課的教學任務,教師在講解此課時,特別是在談論corn, 重點說明discovery, spreading, usage and the way of making food with it.



本文的交際用語為用餐的表達法,如:Would you like…? How about…? Help yourself..這些詞語較簡單,學生能夠容易運用,同時教材中列出不同的食物名稱,短語,練習分別讓學生們掌握和分組討論。閱讀課僅用一篇文章說明世界各地的日常食物的來源及產(chǎn)生的背景,如:玉米的發(fā)現(xiàn),土豆、水果的種植。同時本單元是一個復習課,Lesson 31重點復習了定語從句中的先行詞指人、物時,關系代詞的使用。


1.discover vt.—看出;發(fā)現(xiàn)(存在而尚未為人所知之物)


It w as Madame Curie who discovered the element radium.是居里夫人發(fā)現(xiàn)了鐳元素。

Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥倫布于1492年發(fā)現(xiàn)了美洲。


It was discovered that our food was running short. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)糧食快完了。

We discovered that he was an enemy spy. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他是一名敵特。


We never discovered how to open the box. 我們找不出打開盒子的方法。


We discovered him to be an enemy spy. 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他是一名敵特。

2.discover 和invent的區(qū)分

1) 這兩個及物動詞雖然意義不同,但在具體使用時可能搞混。


Coal was first discovered and used in China.煤是最先在中國被發(fā)現(xiàn)和使用的。

He has invented a new machine.他發(fā)明了一種新機器。



Columbus’ discovery of America took place by accident.哥倫布發(fā)現(xiàn)美洲是偶然事件。

Watt’s invention of steam engine brought about a great change in human life.瓦特發(fā)明蒸汽機使人類生活發(fā)生了巨大變化。

3.prepare v. —預備,準備


①Please prepare the table for dinner. 請擺好桌子吃晚飯。

②Mother is preparing us a meal.母親正為我們做飯。


①They are busy preparing to go on holiday. 他們正忙著準備休假。

3)prepare for引起的短語表示“為……做好準備”。

①We were given two days to prepare for the examination.給了我們兩天時間準備考試。

②Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.[諺]存最好的希望,準備應付最壞的情況。

4. dinner與meal


They were at dinner when I called.當我去拜訪時,他們正在吃飯。?

The city government will give a dinner to welcome the foreigners.市政府將設宴招待這些外賓,以示歡迎。?


What time do you usually have your meals? 你通常什么時候吃三餐?




supply 則多表示供給對方生活必需品


offer后可接:名詞或代詞;直接賓語和間接賓語;to do。

supply多用于下列結構:supply sth. to /for sb. ; supply sb. with sth.。但當offer表示“提供出售”之意時,它可與supply替換使用。例如:

He offered me a cup of coffee. 他給我端來一杯咖啡。

He offered to help me.他表示愿意幫助我。

Cows supply us with milk.奶牛向我們提供牛奶。

The school supplies books to/for children.學校向孩子提供書本。

The bookstore offers/supplies all kinds of books. 那家書店出售各種書籍。

6.be made of, be made from 和 be made into

1) be made of意為“由(看得見的原料)制成”。

The desk is made of wood. 這張桌子是由木頭制成的。

2) be made from 意為“由(看不出的原料)制成”。

This paper is made from wood. 這種紙是由樹木制成的。

3)be made into意為“(原料)被制成……”。

Wood can be made into paper and desks. 木材能被制成紙和桌子。

注:從以上例子可看出不管原料能否看得見,也就是說不管是be made of還是be made from, 均可與be made into轉換。



①Is there room for me? 還有我的地方嗎?

②It's polite for the youth to make room for the old in the bus.在公共汽車上為老人讓路是有禮貌的。

③There's plenty of room for the desks. 有足夠的空地方放課桌。

④There's room for three more. 還有三個人的位置。

⑤I haven't much room to move about here.我這兒沒有多少活動余地。

⑥Can you make room for another?你還能騰出一個(或一件東西)的地方嗎?

⑦This table takes up too much room----we'd better put it out. 這張桌子占的地方太大,我們最好把它搬到外頭去。


①How many rooms are there in this hotel? 這家飯店里有多少房間?

②This room is a very pleasant one. 這個房間很舒服。

【注意】與room常合成的詞有:bathroom 洗澡間;sitting-room 起居室;dinning-room 飯廳;schoolroom教室



①They shipped the machine from Shanghai to Tianjin last week.他們于上星期用船把那臺機器從上海運到天津。

②Did he ship the goods by train or by plane?他是用火車還是用飛機運送那批貨物的?


①He said good - bye to his family and shipped out for England.他向家人道別,乘船到英國去了。

②He shipped as a cook.他在船上當廚師。




①The young man offered the old woman his own seat.那位年輕人把自己的座位讓給那位老大娘。


①I offered him £10,000 for the house.我出價一萬英鎊向他買那座房子。

②I offered him the house for £10,000.我提出一萬磅的價格把那座房子賣給他。


①We offered to go with him. 我們表示愿意和他一道去。


①You ought to accept the offer. 你應該接受這個提議




This is the store which opens all night.

This is the pen which my brother bought for me.

Is this the house in which Lu Xun once lived?

(or: Is this the house which Lu Xun once lived in?)

This is the magazine which you are looking for.

Notes: which, whom在從句中作介詞的賓語時,介詞一般可置于關系代詞之前或放在從句原來的位置。但在含有介詞的動詞固定短語中介詞只能放在原來的位置上,而不能放在which之前,如例4則不能改為

This is the magazine for which you are looking.



This is the photo that (which) I took in Beijing last year.

This is the man that/who lives next door.

Is this the professor that you talked about yesterday? (about不能放在that前面)



This is one of the best novels that I have ever read.

The first English song that I learned was the ABC song.

2)all ,much, everything, nothing, something, anything作先行詞時用that。(但先行詞是everybody,everyone時因應用who,one指人時也用who)

Everything that we saw at the exhibition greatly interested us.

Is there anything that belongs to you?

All that we need is more time.

Nothing that parents do doesn’t influence their children.


That is the only way that we can find at present.

This is the very museum that we visited for the first time.

4) that可以用來引導限制性定語從句,當它在從句中作介賓時,介詞應后移。

This is the good student that the teachers talked about just now.


My mother and her old friends talked of the things and persons that they remembered in the school.



1. Yesterday I met Doctor Wang, ____ told me the good news of his son's passing the examination.

2. The two pupils ____ you taught three yeas ago have become teachers.

3. He began to work in Beijing in the year ____ New China was founded.

4. I don’t know the reason ____ she didn't agree to our plan.

5. This is Carry ____ son died in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

6. He told us everything ____ he had seen in the traffic accident.

7. This was the best model of the TV set ____ the factory produced last year..

8. They have visited the Museum of Chinese History ____ Premier Zhou’s life and deeds are being shown.

9. Alice, ____ dress is all red, looks very pretty.

10. The first thing ____ I am going to do this evening is to write a report about the experiment.


1. He is an American, ____ I know from his accent.

2. She was not discouraged, ____ can be seen from her eyes.

3. The sun heats the earth, ____ makes it possible for plants to grow.

4. ____ was usual with him, the old man went out for a walk after supper.

5. It was raining, ____ was a pity.

6. He said he had been to America, ____ is untrue.

7. ____ is well known, China is in Asia.

8. Edison was one of the greatest scientist, ____ is well-known.

9. He must be from Africa, ____ can be seen from his skin.

10. Air, ____ we breathe every day, is a mixture of gases.

教學設計方案Lesson 29

Teaching Aims

1. To train the students’ ability of listening and improve their spoken English.

2. To learn how to make an offer of food.

3. To learn how to use the following useful words and expressions: offer a piece of help oneself to.

4. To get the Ss to know some table manners.

Teaching procedures

Step I Presentation

1.T: We are going to learn some table manners and new words. (Write these on the blackboard).

2. Competition: Write these columns on the Bb.

The Ss work in groups. They have to write down the names of as many items of food as they can think of in English. See which group can write down the most items for each category.

3. Teach the names of food, using some pictures on the projector or the real things. Then ask the Ss what kind of food they like to eat most.

Step 3 Listening

Tell the Ss that we are going to learn a dialogue. In the dialogue Jim and Bob are at Li Jia’s house for dinner.

1. Get the Ss to listen to the tape.

2. After listening, ask the Ss to answer the questions.

3. Get the Ss to listen to the tape again. This time listen and repeat.

Step 4 Reading

Ask the Ss to see how Li Jia offers food to the guests.

T: Please listen to the tape carefully with your books closed. After that, you are to answer some questions.

1) How many kinds of food do the friends talk about in the dialogue? (five)

2) What are they? (beancurd, beef, chicken, pancake, soup)

Step 5 Language study

T allow the Ss enough time to discuss the difficult phrases or sentences. After that, ask some Ss to explain them. If they have any problems, the T explains them.

1) Do you like. . . ? (in general)

Would you like. .. ? (It’s more polite than “Do you want. . .now?”)

2) How about some more beef? (There is no main verb here. This is acceptable in speech, but not usually in written English. )

3) There’ s plenty more. =There’s plenty more beef.

4) Next time you must come to us. =We will invite you to have supper at our house next time.

5) Help yourself to. . . ==Please take. . .for yourself.

6) another piece of =one more piece of

Step 6 Practice

1. Get the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. Then ask some Ss to read it.

2. Do Talking and Oral Practice on Page 29.

3. Watch the video - taped performance of the dialogue.

Step 7 Summary and further practice

1. Summary

Go over the useful words and expressions and ask some Ss to make up sentences.

2. Communicative activities

Allow the Ss enough time to make a similar dialogue using the expressions and structures.

3. Ask one or two pairs to act their dialogues out.

Step 8 Homework

Ask the Ss to finish the exercises on Page 92.

教學設計方案Lesson 30

Teaching aims

1.To train the ability of skimming the text to find the general idea and scanning the text to locate the information quickly.

2. To learn how to use the following words and expressions:

room ,discover, arrive, make into

3. To review the Attributive Clauses.

4. To let the Ss know some farm products.

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework in the workbook first.

2. Revise some new words suiting the pictures.

Step2 Presentation

1. Ask the Ss the following questions

1) What’s your favorite food?

2) What food do people like in Shanghai/Sichuan/Tibet/the USA, etc. ?

3) Do you like corn?                  


T play the tape to the Ss, then try to ask them the below.

1) When was corn first brought to China?

2) Can you name some of the plants that were found in America?

Answers: 1)Corn was first brought to China about 450 years ago. 2) For example, beans, potatoes and other different fruits.

Step 4 Reading

T will give the Ss a few minutes to read it, then say something about the useful plant corn.

2) Ask the Ss to skim the text to find the general idea.


The passage talks about the food in the world. It tells us how corn, tomatoes and other plants were discovered. It mainly tells us how corn was discovered and taken to the other parts of the world and the my of making corn food.

Step 4. Language study

Get the SB to look through the text and explain some language points and difficult sentences, if necessary the T can explain them again.

1) There was not enough room.

2) discovered the tomato

3) an open fire =a fire that bums in the open air

4) got angry =become angry

Step 5Workbook

Get the Ss to do Ex.2 &3 on Page 31 and Ex. 1 &2 on Page 94.

Step 6 Summary and further discussion

1. Retell the text.

2. Discussion:

1) Do you think the agriculture is important?

2) How can you make contributions to the agriculture?

3) What have you learnt from the text?

Step 7 Homework

1. Finish off the exercises in the Wb on Page 93 & 94.

2. Read the text aloud and recite the third paragraph of the text.




1.play a role: What’s the favorite food? 教師拿出圖片給學生看,組織學生兩個人一組編寫對話,說出自己喜歡的食物,教師與其他學生進行評定。


教師給學生話題,How to be polite if you are invited to a dinner? 學生可分成幾組進行,討論完之后,教師進行總結,然后告訴學生更多有關餐桌禮節(jié)的有關知識。

T: There are some differences in table manners between the western countries and China. If an American or Englishman invites you to dinner, you’d better arrive on time. You can arrive a few minutes late but you can’t arrive early. While eating, you’ d better put your table napkin on your knees not around your neck if there is any. In China, we usually serve dishes first and then soup, while in the West, people prefer to serve soup before dishes. In China, hosts are always toasting wine and picking up food for their guests again and again but in the west especially in America, hosts only offer food once. If you want to have more, just help yourself to it. Don’t pretend to be refined. The host won’t offer a second time. Hosts like their guests to help themselves. If you don’t know the taste of a dish, you can taste a little. You mustn’t refuse what your host offers you. If you don’t like it indeed, you can honestly say; Sorry. I’m not used to that. Thank you. But you must eat up all the food put in your plate, finish all the wine put in your glass. Don’t make any noises while eating. Don’t put your plate close to your mouth or put you mouth into the plate. You should help your host/ hostess to set the table before the dinner. After the meal you ought to offer your host the help to clear the table.

Mainly revision