
union3 Australia lession 11-12

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union3 Australia lession 11-12

教學(xué)設(shè)計方案Lesson 11

1. For the first time, Ss read and do the following reading comprehension exercise in given time, usually 5 minutes:

1). Paragraph 1 mainly talks about Australia’s _____.

A. history   B. geography   C. forests   D. animals

2). How many types of pocket animals in Australia are mentioned in the text?

   A. 1    B. 2    C. 3     D. 4

3). According to the text, Australia is famous for its________.

   A. industrial products           B. educational undertaking( 事業(yè))

   C. agricultural products         D. cultural undertaking

4). We can’t find fruit or vegetables growing in _____ of Australia.

   A. the sough   B,. the north   C. the west   D. the center

5). Farming in the middle of Australia seems to be_______.

   A. developing all the time        B. quite developed there

   C. fully developed there         D. underdeveloped there

6). What does “precious ” mean?

   A. rich   B. expensive    C. rare and valuable   D. worthwhile

7). What sport is impossible in Australia?

   A. skiing      B. swimming     C. tennis     D. basketball

8). The weather in Australia encourages__________.

   A. indoor activities    B. outdoor activities   C. competition         D. industry

9). The last paragraph deals with _________.

   A. climate             B. people’s  life     C. outdoor activities   D. climate and people’s life

10). “Round” in the text has_______ meanings.

   A. 2        B. 3       C. 4       D. 5


2. For the second time reading of the text,  find out what each paragraph is about and the main idea of each paragraph

Paragraph 1: The animals.  Australia is an old land with many interesting and unique plants and          animals.

Paragraph 2: Location. Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.

Paragraph 3: Natural resources. Australia is an extremely rich country.

Paragraph 4: Agriculture. To keep out the dingoes, people in Australia have put up a fence hundreds of kilometers long.

Paragraph 5: The Climate. The climate in Australia varies because of the sea.

3. Ss present their work in groups, talking about the climate, animals, location or natural resources      of Australia. Retell the text

 Practice: Ss finish the WB exercise based on the text

4. Production

Ss work in groups, talking about the climate, animals, location or natural resources of China. Ask some of them to present their work in class.

Assignment: 1. Retell the text in any forms (dialogue of a short play)

2. Finish off the WB exercises

3. Write an essay chosen from either of the following two choices:

A. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of Australia

B. Write about China or any feature of China.

(e. g Brief Introduction about the Weather of China

Chins is large in area. The climate is different from place to place. In the south it is cool and wet in winter, hot and damp in summer. This area is good for growing rice. In the north it cold and dry in winter, hot and rainy in summer. Wheat is mainly grown in this area. The western part of China is dry with little rain all the year round. It is not good for growing crops, but some places produce varieties of fruit. And the eastern part enjoys plenty of rain most time of the year, so the crops there grow very well.)

Supplementary reading comprehension

     The Australian National Flag is blue, with Britain's Union Jack in the upper quarter. Below this, a seven-pointed large star, the Federation star, represents the six states and the territories . On the right, four smaller white stars with seven points and one star with five points, represent the constellation of the Southern Cross.

     At the time of Federation a competition was conducted for a new flag and from over 32, 000 entries, the winning design was submitted independently by five different people. The design was approved by King Edward Ⅶ 1903 and has remained unchanged except for the addition of the seventh point on the large star.

1. There is one thing in the Australian National Flag that is taken after the National Flag of Britain. That is ____.

A.The seven-pointed large white star  B. the Union Jack

C. the seven-pointed stars           D. the five-pointed star

2. How many stars are there in the Australian Nation Flag?

A. Seven.     B. Six.     C. Five.    D. Eight.

3. The large white star stands for ____.

A. the six states of Australia  B. the constellation

C. Britain's Union Jack      D. Australian states and territories

4. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The winning design was submitted by King Ed- ward Ⅶ.

B. The winning design was the joint product of five different people.

C. Not many people were interested in the competition.

D. Originally the large white star was six-pointed.

Possible answers:BBDD

Sydney is Australia's most exciting city. The history of Australia begins here. In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney with 11 ships and 1, 024 passengers (including 770 prisoners) from Britain. Today there are 2.5 million people in Sydney. It is the biggest city in Australia, and  one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

There are over 20 fine beaches close to Sydney. Its warm summer climate and cool winter have made it a favorite city for immigrants from overseas.There are three things that made Sydney famous----its beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and the Sydney Opera House.

But there are many more interesting things in Sydney:beautiful shops and restaurants, for example, rows of interesting old houses built in the 19th century, and everywhere, the sea. Summer or winter, day or night, Sydney is an outdoor city.

Some Americans think it is very British. Some British visitors think it is like America. There is some truth in both these opinions, because Sydney takes from both the old world----Europe, and the New World----America, and makes it into something that is neither British nor American but truly Australian.

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Sydney is a silent city. B. Sydney is a busy city.

C. Sydney is a new city. D. Sydney is a common city.

2. In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillips arrived in Sydney ____.

A. with some ships and more than 1000 passengers from Britain

B. with 11 ships and only 700 prisoners

C. with 1024 passengers besides 700 prisoners

D. with only more than ten ships and some helpers

3. What made Sydney famous?

A. Three things----the beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.

B. Immigrants from Britain, the beautiful Harbor and ships.

C. Beautiful shops, modern restaurants and interesting old houses and seas.

D.The Sydney Opera House, interesting old House and interesting restaurants.

4. The climate in Sydney is ____.

A. hot in summer and cold in winter  B. warm all the year round

C. neither too hot nor too cold       D. cool all through the year

5. The writer thinks Sydney ____.

A. is like America

B. is very British

C. is neither British nor American but truly Australian

D. takes from Europe

Possible answers:BAACC



Lesson 12 Listening 教學(xué)設(shè)計方案

Step 1 Revision

Check Ss’ work ( retell the text in the form of a dialogue or a short play)

Step 2: Listening Comprehension

Bush fire

Ss listen to a radio programme about the story of an Australian woman’s escape from the bush fires near Sydney in 1994.

A. Ss listen and find out the things that the woman mentions in her talk

B. Ss listen and put the given events into the correct order

C. Answer questions

Step 3 Discussion

Discuss about the ways of avoiding bush fires of forest fires

Assignment: 1. Finish off the WB exercises

2. Go on with the oral work




(Some suggested activities when teaching the following dialogue

1. Getting students' interest. Show students some photos taken during some holiday spent in some other places, which are famous and easy for them to recognize so as to arouse the students' interest. At this moment the new dialogue may begin. After finishing learning the dialogue, the students will be eager to talk about their own experience or what they wish to do in the future, which is the best time for students to make their dialogues.

2. Using of the functional sentences in real life. Talk about the do's and don'ts in their past activities or coming arrangements e.g. NEW YEAR'S PARTY, A BIRTHDAY PARTY, A CAMPING, AN SIGHTSEEING,AN EXPERIMENT IN PHYSICS, ONE CLASS, ect. They have to give instructions and their reasons.

3. A chance to present and develop students' abilities of using what they have learned both in knowledge and component. Divide students into two big groups which have absolutely opposite opinions of one topic e.g. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE, GO TO COLLEGE, GOING ABROAD, OBIDIENCE, KEEPING A PET, etc. and organize them to have an argument. Students should have preparation work in groups before the final argument between the two big groups, where the more numbers of the group take part in the discussion , the better result they will get besides the .

union3 Australia lession 11-12

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