

時間:2023-04-28 14:19:01 留學生活 我要投稿
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  我們通常所說的移民讀書“免費”就指的是HECS/PELS無息貸款了。2004年前澳洲的移民學費貸款政策很簡單,所有的PR持有者,只要你不是入境超過三年且還沒有轉(zhuǎn)正(就是入籍citizen),本科的適用HECS(Higher Education Contribution S · 日本留學招生計劃 100%保證簽證 · 出國留學第一論壇 · 專家在線留學咨詢 ystem),研究生的適用PELS(Postgraduate…….),基本上人人有份,cover所有的tuition fees,沒有生活費。PELS實際上是HECS的延伸,有時候HECS的表達涵蓋了PELS。HECS/PELS是無息貸款,畢業(yè)后在你的收入里扣,如果你的收入不超過$25,348,就不扣。簡單的說,就是上面的樣子啦,細節(jié)不討論。







  所以,如果你沒錢交學費,請于本周末(2004-5-28)之前遞交入學申請,目標是今年7月份開學的課程。多數(shù)學校的Local Application的dead-line是這個時間,不同學校請自行確認。教你一招:可以用傳真的么……


  超過期限免還貸款。港臺那邊的哥們這種做法更是家常便飯。呵呵,你可不要一聽就后悔:我詐沒這么干呢??現(xiàn)在也沒機會啦。?賴帳或是隱瞞收入(澳洲政府可沒精力跑到國外去查你的銀行帳戶,如果跑到中國來,更是沒法查)?畢業(yè)回國?用HECS/PELS交學費?估計澳洲政府是受不了這個損失了,因為好多新移民都是這個樣子做的:上學.這次澳洲政府對教育補貼這塊(student support system)的變化很大,不僅僅是無息貸款的部分。2002年,政府做了大規(guī)模的調(diào)查,最終出臺了一攬子政策,計劃從2004年至2008年逐漸轉(zhuǎn)換到新系統(tǒng)。

  澳洲公民、新西蘭公民和澳洲永久居民,政府給予一個七年的學習時間,稱為Student Learning Entitlement,這是一個“指標”,就是說,在SLE有效時間內(nèi),你適合于政府的教育補貼計劃,特殊情況(比如六年以上的專業(yè)等)給予延長。這個SLE是以7年的full-time study load為標準的,就是說,如果你總是part-time學習,最長能到14年。

  擁有SLE的,將有機會得到一個稱為Commonwealth support place的名額,擁有CSP的學生,就是CSS(Commonwealth Supported Student)。實際上,多數(shù)Local的本科生,都能成為CSS,從標準上來說跟以前的HECS差不多。當然你也可以放棄CSP,選擇另外一個位置:Fee Paying Place,成為Fee Paying Students。FPS是CSP的補充,大學可能提供額外的位置給這部分人。它們各自的合格條件我們就不再贅述。

  兩者的主要區(qū)別在于,前者比較省錢,只需要支付student contribution,約為學費(tuition fee)的四分之一,其它部分由政府支付;并且student contribution還是能夠貸款的,稱為HECS-HELP,如果你提前付費,還有減免。而后者是全費的,需要支付全部tuition fee,也可貸款,稱為FEE-HELP。不同的課程、不同的學校的tuition fee和student contribution的比例不同,舉個例子,學法律和醫(yī)學的student contribution部分最高,約為$0到$8004,由學校掌握student contribution的比例。


  具體到無息貸款這部分,從2005年1月1日起,取消HECS/PELS,代之以一系列的適用于不同身份的人的補助或是貸款計劃,稱為Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP);HELP分為一下三個種類/部分:

  1,HECS-HELP 主要用來代替原先的HECS。為新的Commonwealth supported students準備的。

  2,F(xiàn)EE-HELP 主要用來代替原先的PELS,以及OLDPS和BOTPLS,后兩者跟咱沒關系;蛘吣悴粷M足HECS-HELP的條件,也可能會用到這個。為新的Fee Paying Students準備的。

  3,OS-HELP 給到國外OverSea(相對澳洲來說)上學的人的,不討論。

  四,一些關鍵句摘抄1,Under the new arrangements, the Australian Government will no longer set student contributions. Instead, higher education providers will set the student contribution levels for each of their courses within ranges set by the Australian Government. The Australian Government will establish a Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) so that eligible students can either pay their student contribution when they enrol, or later through the income tax system. There are three types of loans available under HELP: ? HECS-HELP for eligible Commonwealth supported students; ? FEE-HELP for eligible fee paying students at public and eligible private higher education providers; and ? OS-HELP for eligible Commonwealth supported students who want to study overseas.

  2,The new course and student funding arrangements will start on 1 January 2005. Most current HECS students will be able to continue studying under the current HECS rates and eligibility requirements until the end of 2008. Most current PELS students will be able to continue studying under the current eligibility requirements until the end of 2008. See current students page for more information on these arrangements.

  The changes to discounts, bonuses and the repayment schedule will apply to all new students, current students and all former students with HECS, PELS, OLDPS and BOTPLS debts from 2005.

  3,Current HECS students, both full-time and part-time, will be able to study under current HECS rates and eligibility criteria until the end of 2008 unless they: ? discontinue their enrolment without formally deferring; or ? complete their current course; or ? transfer into a course (which must be at the same level as their current course) and then complete that course; or ? choose to study under the new system. Students commencing their course as a HECS student in 2004, both full-time and part-time, must incur a HECS liability on a 2004 census date if they are to be considered current students for the purpose of remaining under the current HECS rates and eligibility criteria as outlined above.

  4,New Zealand citizens and holders of other permanent visas(指除難民/人道注意移民permanent humanitarian visa以外的永久居民,就是俺們啦)do not have access to HELP loans. These students must pay their student contributions or tuition fees up front without a discount.

  5,Holders of a permanent visa(指代范圍同上)may access a fee paying place, but they are not eligible for a FEE-HELP loan unless they are undertaking a bridging course for overseas trained professionals(這個俺不太知道是啥東東)。

  6,PELS will be replaced by FEE-HELP in 2005. FEE-HELP is different from PELS in the following ways: ? a maximum loan limit of $50,000 applies to FEE-HELP; ? the bonus for voluntary repayments will be 10 per cent; ? the HECS repayment thresholds, which apply to PELS and FEE-HELP will change; and ? New Zealand citizens and most holders of Australian permanent visas will not be able to access FEE-HELP.

  7,Who is eligible for a FEE-HELP loan? Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa are eligible for FEE-HELP. Holders of other permanent visas are also are eligible for FEE-HELP to undertake a bridging course for overseas trained professionals.

  五,相關資源與其它HECS/PELS,www.hecs.gov.au HELP,http://www.backingaustraliasfuture.gov.au/student_info/help.htm







澳洲移民新政策 社區(qū)福利需雅思7分04-30



