

時(shí)間:2021-02-04 19:27:03 英語演講稿 我要投稿





  Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books?Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of governmentofficials and the events during wars?

  We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop,look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, canhelp us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lastingpeace, we must seek its origins in human experience and in the records of humanhistory.

  From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create theinspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, thedevotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help uswhen we are confused and when we really need peace.

  The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives awarning to those who promote war, and inspiration to those who seek peace.

  In short, history helps us learn. Yesterday’s records can keep us fromrepeating yesterday’s mistakes. And from the pieces of mosaic4 assembled5 byhistorians come the great murals6 which represent the progress of mankind.


  Look at me,

  my name’s Joe.(英語名字,女孩的話可以用Jill)

  J-O-E , Joe

  I am (not) tall.(根據(jù)實(shí)際身高可以用not,也可以不用) My eyes are small.(根據(jù)實(shí)際外貌可以ears nose and mouth等) My hair is short.(如果女孩可以加 not , my hair is not short.) Just like a boy. (女孩的話)/ Like a super boy. (男孩的話)

  My hobby is playing with dolls (女孩的話)/ football. (男孩的話) I want to make friends with you all.

  English is my love.

  Every day, I learn a lot

  And I speak more.

  Today I stand here with my goal.

  I hope I can get more.

  Thank you!



  "Why are you in college at such a young age?" I asked later. She jokinglyreplied, " I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple ofchildren, and then retire and travel."

  "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have motivatedher to betaking on this challenge at her age. "I always dreamed of having a collegeeducation and now I'm getting one!" she told me.

  We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we wouldleave class together and tolk nonstop. I was always listening to this "timemachine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.

  At the end of the semester we invited Rose to make a speech to our footballteam. I'll never forget what she taught us. As she began to deliverher preparedspeech, she dropped her note card on the floor. A little embarrassed she simplysaid, "I'm sorry. This whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back inorder so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she cleared her throatand began:" We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because westop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, andachieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got tohave a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walkingaround who are dead and don't even know it! There is a huge difference betweengrowing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed forone full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old.Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talentor ability. The idea is togrow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. Theelderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we didnot do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets."

  At the year's end Rose finished the college degree. One week aftergraduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college studentsattended her funeral to honorthe wonderful woman who taught by example that it'snever too late to be all you can possibly be.



  列夫·托爾斯泰曾說過:每個(gè)人都想改變這個(gè)世界,但是沒有人想到改變自己。 他說的很有道理,我們每個(gè)人都心懷偉大時(shí)志向,時(shí)刻準(zhǔn)備去干一番能造福全人類的大事業(yè)。比如,我們痛恨環(huán)境污染,所以我們下定決心去開發(fā)新的更高效更干凈的能源來保護(hù)我們的環(huán)境,但是同時(shí)我們卻隨手亂扔垃圾;我們抱怨大城市的交通堵塞,計(jì)劃造更多的高速路來解決交通問題,但是我們從來沒有想過,如果我們能遵守交通規(guī)則話,那么這一問題是不是可以得到很大得緩解呢?我們擔(dān)心電視電影里面得暴力會(huì)對(duì)我們得孩子產(chǎn)生不良的影響,于是我們敦促政府通過立法來保護(hù)未成年人,但是我們這些大人又做得怎么樣呢?我們?yōu)槲覀兊南乱淮龊昧吮砺蕟?我們說粗話,甚至在孩子面前抽煙。不客氣地說,我們對(duì)孩子的不良影響更多!

  在我看來,在我們打算改變這個(gè)世界之前,我們最好先改變一下自己。作為一個(gè)普通人,我們其實(shí)沒有改變這個(gè)世界的能力,但是我可以改變我們隨地扔垃圾,隨地吐痰的壞習(xí)慣, 我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會(huì)去保護(hù)環(huán)境,我們應(yīng)該為我們的孩子起好的表率作用。


  朋友,當(dāng)您在做某一件事情的'時(shí)候,請(qǐng)您想一想,您的行為會(huì)對(duì)您周圍的人產(chǎn)生怎樣的影響, 因?yàn)椋男袨椴粏螁斡绊懙侥约,還有您周圍的人,更重要的是我們的孩子…甚至我們的世界。











  我們的英語教學(xué)不從a b c字母開始,而從英語口語開始,一方面是遵從學(xué)習(xí)規(guī)律;另一方面是為了孩子應(yīng)用的需要。我希望您能多問問


  3. 幫孩子搜集一些少兒英文歌曲,在家里多讓孩子聽一聽。



  However mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call ithard names.It is not so bad as you are.It looks poorest when you are richest.Thefault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You mayperhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.Thesetting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as fromthe rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.I donot see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheeringthoughts,as in a palace.The town's poor seem to me often to live the mostindependent lives of any.May be they are simply great enough to receive withoutmisgiving.Most think that they are above being supported by the town;but itoften happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonestmeans.which should be more disreputable.Cultivate poverty like a gardenherb,like sage.Do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes orfriends,Turn the old,return to them.Things do not change;we change.Sell yourclothes and keep your thoughts.







  磨練意志,曾強(qiáng)修養(yǎng)。英語學(xué)習(xí)不能一蹴而就,需要下工夫勤學(xué)和苦練。在學(xué)習(xí)中會(huì)不斷的遇到困難和受到挫折,需要堅(jiān)持不懈地努力和奮斗。知難而退的人 ,意志薄弱的人是學(xué)不好喝學(xué)不會(huì)英語的人是學(xué)不好和學(xué)不會(huì)英語的。


  我最喜歡的老師 My Favorite Teacher

  Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.






  但是,正如helen foster snow所說:“友誼不是那撒在路邊的種子。它需要每天的精心呵護(hù)與澆灌!庇颜x似一個(gè)嬰兒,它需精心照料;友誼似一棵樹,它不能被遺棄在沒有絲毫憐憫與同情的嚴(yán)酷的環(huán)境中。真摯的友誼更多是在于對(duì)摯友的付出而不是索取。一個(gè)愿意幫助你,一個(gè)隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備聆聽你述說,一個(gè)愿意和你分享感受的人才是真正的朋友。





  I have a few candles stored in a drawer in my dining room. They’re meantfor romantic dinners and special occasions, but since the arrival of our threechildren they have lain unnoticed among the napkins and other things. They arewaiting to be taken out and lit to share their glow with anyone who will takethe time to bask in their brilliance.

  Are not our souls like those candles, patiently waiting for someone to comeand let us be ourselves? We are all waiting for our own moments to shine; weeach have a special light, unmatched by any other.

  Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but our essence liesin our minds and souls. Candles are unique in their colors, shapes and designs.Our life histories and experiences are the backdrops of who we are, but ourminds are like candle wicks, and make our passions flame. Unlike the candles inmy drawer, who get used or not used depending on my whims, we control our ownthoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine.

  Is your soul candle dimmed by circumstance or lack of passion anddirection? Is it hidden in a drawer of stress, worry or resentment? Make achoice to let yourself shine the way you were meant to shine.










