職稱英語考試綜合類B級真題 1
TheDay a Language Died
WhenCarlos Westez died at the age of 76, a language died, too.Carlos Westez, morecommonly known as Red Thunder Cloud, was the last speaker of the NativeAmerican language Catawba.Anyone who wants to hear various songs of theCatawba can contact the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where,back in the 1940s.Red Thunder Cloud recorded a series of songs for futuregenerations.Some people might even try to learn some of these songs byhearts.(46 F) They are all that is left ofthe Catawba language.The language that people used to speak is gone forever.
Weare all aware of the danger that modern industry can do to the world’s ecology(生態(tài)). However, few people are awareof the impact that widely spoken languages have on other languages and ways oflife.English has spread all over the world.Chinese, Spanish, Russian, andHindi have become powerful languages as well.As these languages become morepowerful, their use as tools of business and culture increases.(47 D)When this happens, hundreds oflanguages that are spoken by only a few people die out.
Scholarsbelieve there are around 6,000 languages around the world, but more than halfof them could die out within the next 100 years.There are many examples. Arakiis a native language of the island of Vanuatu, located in the Pacific Ocean.Itis spoken by only a few adults, so like Catawba, Araki will soon disappear.Manylanguages of Ethiopian will have the same fate because each one has only a fewspeakers.Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of differentlanguage, but more than 100 of them are in danger of extinction(滅絕).(48 C)In the Americas, 100 languages,each of which has fewer than 300 speakers, also are dying out.
RedThunder Cloud was one of the first to recognize the threat of language deathand to try to do something about it.He was not actually born into the Catawbatribe, and the language was not his mother tongue.However, he was afrequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in South Carolina, where he learnedthe language.(49 A)The songs he sang forthe Smithsonian Institution helped to make Native American music popular.Nowhe is gone, and the language is dead.
Whatdoes it mean for the rest of us when a language disappears? When a plant,insect, or animal species dies, it is easy to understand what we’ve lost and toappreciate what this means for the balance of the natural world.However,language is only a product of the mind.To be the last remaining speaker of alanguage, like Red Thunder Cloud, must be a lonely destiny, almost as strangeand terrible as being the last surviving member of a dying species.For therest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of a unique way ofseeing and describing the world.(50 B)
46.F.Some people might want to try to learn some of these songs by heart.
47.D.As these languages become more powerful, their use as tools of business andculture increases.
48.C.Papua New Guinea is an extremely rich source of different language, but morethan 100 of them are in danger of extinction(滅絕).
49.A.However, he was a frequent visitor to the Catawba reservation in SouthCarolina, where he learned the language.
50.B.For the rest of us, when a language dies, we lose the possibility of aunique way of seeing and describing the world.
【E.These languages don’thave many native speakers.】
Publicrelations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, includingpublicity releases, designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image.
Publicitythen is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm, usually inthe (51) form of press releases or press conferences.Since publicrelations involves communications with stockholders, financial analysts, governmentofficials, and other noncustomer groups, it is usually (52) placedoutside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outsideconsulting firm reporting to top management.This organizational placement canbe a (53) limitation because the public relations department orconsultant will likely not be in tune with marketing efforts.Poorcommunication and no coordination may be the (54) consequences.Althoughthe basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence on thepublic image, this influence (55) generally may be less than (56) thatprovided by the other components of the public image mix.
Publicitymay be in the form of news releases that have (57) favorable overtonesfor the company initiated by the public relations department.Publicity on theother (58)hand should not be divorced from the department marketing asit can (59) provide a useful adjunct to the regular advertising.(60) Furthermore,not all publicity is initiated by the firm; some can (61) result from anunfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of (62) actionsthat are controversial or even downright ill-advised.
The(63) point we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding itself if itthinks its public relations function, whether within the company or an outsidefirm, can take (64) care of public image problems and opportunities.Many factors impact on the public image.Many of these have to do with the waythe (65) firm does business, such as its product quality, the servicingand handling of complaints, etc.
職稱英語考試綜合類B級真題 2
Ceremonial (儀式性的) bathing has existed for thousands of years and has many forms, one of which is the sauna.The Finns have perfected the steam bath, or sauna, which may be taken, usually in an enclosed room, by pouring water over hot rocks or as a dry heat bath. The Japanese, Greeks, Turks and Russians as well as Native Americans have forms of the sweat bath in their bathing rituals. (46) Dry heat and steam baths had advocates in ancient Rome and pre-Columbian Americans used sweat lodges.
The earliest saunas were probably underground caves heated by a fire that naturally filled with smoke as chimney making was unknown at that time. A fire kept in a fire-pit would heat the rock walls of the cave. After reaching full heat, the smoke was let out of the cave and the stones would retain heat for several hours. A few people today say that the smoke sauna, “savusauna”, is the only true sauna experience and that all saunas should have at least a background odor or smoke. (47) Today most saunas use electric stoves, although gas and wood-burning stoves are available.
Saunas are relaxing and stress relieving.Those with muscle aches or arthritis (關節(jié)炎) may find that the heat relaxes muscles and relieves pain and inflammation (炎癥). Asthma (氣喘) patients find that the heat enlarges air passageways of the lung and facilitates breathing. Saunas do not cure the common cold but they may help to alleviate congestion (阻塞) arid speed recovery time. The body’s core temperature usually rises a 1-2 degrees while in the sauna, thus imitating a slight fever. (48)The sauna could be considered to follow the old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever”. The regular use of a sauna may decrease the likelihood of getting a cold in the first place.
Sauna is good for your skin as the blood flow to the skin increases and sweating occurs. Adults sweat about 2 lbs of waterper hour on average in a sauna. A good sweat removes dirt and grime from pores and gives the skin a healthy glow. The loss in water weight is temporary as the body’s physiological mechanisms will quickly restore proper volumes. The cardiovascular system gets a work out as the heart must pump harder and faster to move blood to the surface for heat exchange. (49) Heart rate may increase from 72 beats per minute on average to 100-150 beats per minute.
A normal heart can handle these stresses but those with heart trouble wishing to begin to use a sauna should seek a doctor’s advice. The elderly and those with diabetes should check with their doctor prior to beginning to take saunas. Pregnant women should not take saunas, particularly in the first three months. (50) Indeed, everyone just starting out should take short sessions at first to become accustomed to this type of bath.
職稱英語考試綜合類B級真題 3
The Storyteller
Steven Spielberg has always had one goal: to tell as many great stories to as many people as will listen. And that’s what he has always been about. The son of a computer scientist and a pianist, Spielberg spent his early childhood in New Jersey and, later, Arizona. From the very beginning, his fertile imagination filled his young mind with images that would later inspire his filmmaking.
Even decades later, Spielberg says he has clear memories of his earliest years, which are the origins of some of his biggest hits. He believes that E.T. is the result of the difficult years leading up to his parent’s 1966 divorce, “It is really about a young boy who was in search of some stability in his life.” “He was scared of just about everything,” recalls his mother, Leah Adler. “When trees brushed against the house, he would head into my bed. And that’s just the kind of scary stuff he would put in films like Poltergeist.”
Spielberg was 11 when he first got his hands on his dad’s movie camera and began shooting short flicks about flying saucers and World War ΙΙ battles. Spielberg’s talent for scary storytelling enabled him to make friends. On Boy Scout camping trips, when night fell, Spielberg became the center of attention. “Steven would start telling his ghost stories,” says Richard Y. Hoffman Jr., leader of Troop 294, “and everyone would suddenly get quiet so that they could all hear it.”
Spielberg moved to California with his father and went to high school there, but his grades were so bad that he barely graduated. Both UCLA and USC film schools rejected him, so he entered California State University at Long Beach because it was close to Hollywood. Spielberg was determined to make movies, and he managed to get an unpaid, non-credit internship(實習)in Hollywood. Soon he was given a contract, and he dropped out of college. He never looked back.
Now, many years later, Spielberg is still telling stories with as much passion as the kid in the tent. Ask him where he gets his ideas, Spielberg shrugs. “The process for me is mostly intuitive 【憑直覺的】,” he says. “There are films that I feel I need to make, for a variety of reasons, for personal reasons, for reasons that I want to have fun, that the subject matter is cool, that I think my kids will like it. And sometimes I just think that it will make a lot of money, like the sequel【續(xù)集】 to Jurassic Park.”
職稱英語考試綜合類B級真題 4
US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty
1 The UnitedStates has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty thatpromises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout theworld. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. (46)_____
2 The FCTC wasdeveloped by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the WorldHealth Assembly,including the United States, last year.(47)_____
3 For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on atleast 30% of the front and back of every pack. (48)_____It also requires banson tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like theUnited States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.
4 (49)_____ TheWorld Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 millionpeople worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die eachyear from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the USare caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025tobacco will kill 10 million people each year.
5 The treaty mustbe ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. (50)_____
A. Tobacco stocksalso perked up as investors discounted fears of litigation(訴訟) from the US.
B. So far, 109countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.
C. The impact ofthe treaty could be huge.
D. Countries thatratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.
E. The treatycalls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, andmore promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.
F. The Senate muststill approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.