

時(shí)間:2024-05-05 02:56:26 小學(xué)四年級作文 我要投稿




  “六一”節(jié)到了,我們學(xué)校舉行了游園 活動(dòng):有吹蠟燭.有畫鼻子.有盲人敲鼓...真 是各式各樣!這里面讓我最喜歡玩的是:吹蠟 燭.摸彈珠.搶椅子。

  吹蠟燭的游戲規(guī)則是;每人只能吹三次 ,如果吹滅了就能那一顆糖;如果沒吹滅就會(huì) 被淘汰。當(dāng)我看完游戲規(guī)則的時(shí)候,心里想: 就一支蠟燭,我一口氣就能吹滅,這真是“張 飛吃豆芽菜?小菜一碟”。輪到我了,我深深地 吸了一口氣一吹,火沒了。橫檔我高興的時(shí)候 ,火不知又從哪兒串了出來,這弄得我百思不 得其解。我有用力一吹,火還是沒滅。這下我 可急了,我有用力一吹,把吃奶的勁都給使出 來了,可是火還是沒滅,我被淘汰了。接著, 我又來到了摸彈珠的地方。

  摸彈珠的游戲規(guī)則是:每人只能摸五顆 彈珠,多模不算。在五顆彈珠里面必須要有三 顆白色的彈珠。我們排著長長的隊(duì)伍,慢慢地 ,慢慢地...快輪到我了,我的心怦怦地跳個(gè) 不停。輪到我摸了,我竟然摸了三顆白色的彈 珠,這真是天助我也。∥腋吲d地都快跳了起 來,我拿了一顆糖,滿懷喜悅地走出教室。我 又來到了搶椅子的地方。六一作文六一兒童節(jié) 作文

  搶椅子的游戲規(guī)則是:六人圍成一個(gè)圈 開始轉(zhuǎn),只有五個(gè)椅子。老師一吹哨子,就立 刻開始搶,其中有一位將被淘汰,每淘汰一位 后,就把其中一把椅子拿掉,最后三位將是獲 勝者。輪到我了,我和我們班的幾位同學(xué)一起 。我們手拉著手慢慢地轉(zhuǎn)了起來,在轉(zhuǎn)地過程 中,我心里非常地緊張,生怕待會(huì)兒搶不到椅 子。只聽一聲哨響,我們立刻搶了起來。這時(shí) ,兩位同學(xué)做到了一個(gè)位子上,還有一位同學(xué) 力氣大,用力一擠,就把還有一位同學(xué)擠到了 地上,我們見了哄堂大笑。后來幾局,我依然 搶到了椅子,最后我贏了。我又拿了一顆糖, 此時(shí),我已經(jīng)高興地不知怎么形容了...

  游園活動(dòng)就在同學(xué)們的歡聲笑語中結(jié)束 了。

   "61" section is up, our school held a garden activities: There吹蠟燭. Have painted nose. There is all kinds of blin d people beat drums! Let there playing m y favorite is:吹蠟燭. Touch marbles. Gra b a chair. The rules of the game is吹蠟燭; onl y blown three times each, if it blew out a can of sugar; blew out if it will not be eliminated. When I read the rules of the game when the thought: on a candle, I will be able to breath blew out, and this is, "Zhang豆芽菜eating - a piece of cake." My turn, I took a deep breath of a wind, the fire had not. Cross-file wh en I am happy, I do not know from where the fire out of string, which made me pu zzled. I have the force of a blow, the f ire is still not out. This can be a bit tight and I am, I have the force of a bl ow, the infants had been so out of stron g, but the fire is still not out, I was eliminated. Then, I came to find a place marbles. Pellets find the rules of the game is: each person can only find five marbl es, not a multi-mode. 5 marbles in there must be three white marbles. We ranked team with a long, slowly, slowly turn to me fast, my heart beating and stop danc ing. Touch my turn, I even touch the thr ee white marbles, it is really help me a lso ah day! I am pleased to almost jumpe d up, I took a sugar, filled with joy ou t of the classroom. I went to grab a cha ir and place. Grab a chair of the rules of the ga me is: six people in a circle to the beg inning, only five chairs. The teacher to blow the whistle immediately began loot ing, which will be one out of every one out later, they removed a chair in which the final three will be the winner. My turn, I and several of our class with my classmates. We hand to hand slowly up t o the transfer process, I was very nervo us, can not get a chair for fear that la ter. A whistle only ring, we immediately get up. At this time, two fellow studen ts to do a post, there is a student effo rt, and put a squeeze, they have a stude nt onto the ground, we met with laughter . Later, several Board, I still get the chair, and finally I won. I also took a sugar, at this time, I have been pleased to know how to describe the Recreational activities on students in the end of the laughter.










