

時間:2021-06-16 20:51:43 英語作文 我要投稿




快樂的英語作文 篇1





  “This is my father。”女兒抗議似的大聲說。“你這不是說的很好嗎?我不跟你急,你就不好好說!”先生無奈地說!肮⌒√詺!”女兒開始志得意滿地自我“表揚”。如此較量了幾個回合,先生“悲壯”地說:“這究竟是誰教誰英語呢?她倒是快樂了,我可是被她整慘了!”我同情地安慰先生,“老師說她最近表現(xiàn)得不錯,已經能夠不亂動東西了,就是還有點‘走神’。我們慢慢來吧,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的!”“是啊,冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?”小女兒搖頭晃腦地在一旁補充。

快樂的英語作文 篇2

  "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: "If we were to ask the question: 'What is human life's chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: 'It is happiness.'" Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, "subjective well-being". From joozone.com.

  If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. – Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay. But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill. The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised. As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.

快樂的英語作文 篇3

  今天學正學堂的蘇丹(Su Dan)老師來我們學校給我們上了一節(jié)快樂的英語課。

  到了上英語課的時間,顏老師和陳老師卻坐在教室的后面,沒有走到講臺上去給我們上課,正奇怪的時候,我們看到一個人大搖大擺的從教室門口走了進來,我一看,這人的眼睛是藍色的,真是奇怪,正在我發(fā)愣的時候這個走到了講臺上,用英語跟我們打了個招呼,啊!這里我才回過神來,然來他是我們今天的外國英語老師。老師先自我介紹了一下,他說:“我叫Su Dan,今天是來給你們上英語課的(英語)。”我們所有同學都興高彩烈的大聲說:“歡迎、歡迎!”但是發(fā)現(xiàn)老師的表情并不開心,這是怎么回事呢?后來我們才恍然大悟,原來這是英語課,要講英語的,于是我們馬上說:“Hello,Hello,Hello!崩蠋煹谋砬榱⒖逃申庌D晴了,就這樣開始了我們有趣的英語課。

快樂的英語作文 篇4

  Little happiness

  Why am I so unlucky? Why things are always getting worse? Why God never favor me? Every time when I hear things like these, I just keep silent, for we couldn t get anything in complain, and then I learn to be appreciated.

  One day I stayed in a condition where I just felt nervous or worse, be mad. I only looked forward to finding a hole and hided myself. Maybe I am too fragile ,easy to be hurt .When I stayed in a corner and was so scared, a friend of mine came to me ,and said : In this world, nothing can daunt us, in addition to our own. Anyway, I will stand by you. I just cried but didn t realize how it would influence me in the future.

  We always complain blindly, not knowing much happiness flows. There are many things we couldn t predict, and we don t know how tomorrow will be. However, cherish what you have now and things would be better.




快樂的英語作文 篇5

  Today, Mr. Chen said he would take us to play a game. What's the game on earth? I'm looking forward to it. Everyone was staring at the teacher.

  The teacher picked up a piece of chalk, drew a straight line on the blackboard, drew a semicircle on it, and drew two circles, which made up the simplest crustacean car. The teacher had to be blindfolded in our eyes so that we could draw a same car. I think: isn't it just a carapace of the same size? It's not hard at all!

  The game began, and the students were eager to try. I was the first to play. The teacher wrapped my eyes in scarves and gave me a piece of chalk to push me to the blackboard. First I drew a straight line to show the body, and I drew a semicircle to show the roof, and then I drew two circles. After the painting, I heard the students laughing. What's up? What did I draw? I hurried to unlock the scarf. I saw that the tires I had painted were very small. I did not touch the roof, and the two tires were tightly together, like two balloons. I was also laughed at by my "masterpiece".

  Another classmate play, the teacher cast a scarf to him, gave him a piece of chalk, the students with vigorous strides toward the blackboard, waved his hand and finished, he immediately untied the scarf, painting their own cars like three potatoes together, immediately burst into laughter.

  In the game continues, some tyres have been tires into the car, some tyres have flatten the cars, and all the tires have left the car for a journey.

  It's fun to draw a car game, and it brings us a lot of happiness!




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